Health Questionnaire Management


The Health Questionnaire Management option enables users to compile in maestro* the employees’ answers to the health-related questions required by Public health in preventing COVID-19.

The health-related answers can be entered:

  • manually, by completing the form directly in the option;
  • by importing the appropriate data from an Excel file (generated through the Sentinel application, for instance); or
  • by using the Outlook Add-in (by selecting Health Questionnaire Management in the Destination field).




maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Health Questionnaire Management


Manually Enter an Employee’s Answers to Questions Regarding his Health

  1. Click on the New icon.
  2. Enter a Date, eitheir manually or through the calendar.
  3. Enter an Employee Number or a Contact Number. Click on to select an employee or a contact from the list.
  4. Answer the employee’s or contact’s health-related questions by choosing an answer, Yes or No.
  5. Save the questionnaire’s data.


Import the Health Questionnaire Answers from an Excel File


The Sentinel application can generate an Excel file containing the answers to the self-assessment form completed by the employees. This file can then by imported in the Health Questionnaire Management option.

  1. In the Tools, select the Import an Excel File option.
  2. Click on at the end of the Excel Data File field to select the Excel file.
  3. Choose the Date Format.
  4. Click on Transfer.


See Also


Last modification: September 20, 2024